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Wicked End
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Installed Mods:

Harmony Wrapper

Author: The Fun Pimps LLC, version: up basic HarmonyX configuration to be used with 7 Days to Die

Dewtas Better Vehicle Health

Author: Dewta, version: 1.0Makes the vehicle health better

Dewtas Faster Growth!

Author: Dewta, version: 1.0Trees and crops grow MEGA fast

Dewta’s Vehicle Tweaks

Author: Dewta, version: 1.0Faster speeds, and bigger lootcontainers for vehicles.

Khaine’s 12-slot Crafting Queue

Author: KhaineGB, version: modlet changes the players crafting queue from 4 slots to 12 slots.

Khaine’s 3-slot Forge Input

Author: KhaineGB, version: modlet changes the forge to 3 slots for smelting.

Khaine’s 96-slot Bigger Backpack Mod

Author: KhaineGB, version: modlet changes the players backpack from 18 slots/45 total to 61 slots/96 total.

Khaine’s HP Bar Mod

Author: KhaineGB, version: modlet adds the HP bar back into the game.

Khaine’s Zombie Range Adjustment

Author: KhaineGB, version: the zombie reach so it feels less like crap when they slap you outside of spear range.

Lootable Zombies V1

Author: Stazza85, version: 1.0Lootable Zombies for V1


Author: tamara09, version: the number of skill points per level.

Server Command Extensions

Author: The Fun Pimps LLC, version: commands for server operation

Map Renderer

Author: The Fun Pimps LLC, version: the game map to image map tiles as it is uncovered

Web Dashboard

Author: The Fun Pimps LLC, version: Webserver for the Web Dashboard and server APIs

Wyr3d’s Not For the Night mod – Release 1.0 version

Author: Wyr3d, version: modlet extends the duration for loot bags before despawn.

Markers (Example Web Mod)

Author: Catalysm and Alloc, version: placing custom markers on the web map


Author: Elucidus, version: 1.1Stacks can go as high as 50,000